martes, 22 de enero de 2013


Hi, If you don't mind, I would like everybody to be in silence, because we are about to read...a lot...
Have a look at the website I found. You have got thousands of online books to read! I think it's really interesting!

In this webpage entirely devoted to books and reading, you will be able to choose the literary genre you like and pick up a book.

Pincha aquí para leer miles de libros!

Here is other important link. It's a blog from a girl called Becky. She loves reading and reviewing children's books. You can contact her if you want information about a book, her wise opinion, etc...
Check out her blog and say what you think of that. In my opinion, she's great!

El blog de Becky sobre libros infantiles

Ahora, hablando de cuentos, me gustaría que vierais un trocito del musical La Bella y la Bestia, que por cierto fui a verlo hace poco y quedé impresionado ( y he de decir que he visto unos cuantos musicales...); de los mejores. Si tenéis la oportunidad de ir, no pensadlo lo más mínimo. En Alicante estarán en mayo, creo recordar...

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